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MPG of a 2.4 Petrol and a Pop Top Roof Installer?

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Hi All,


I'm new here so please go easy on me.


Me and my partner are in the process of finding our first Alphard. We are after a 2.4 Litre Petrol which we will get converted by Campervans4FunUK up in Macclesfield as they are local to us in Manchester.


I have a few questions that I would greatly appreciate any insight on.


  1. What's the real world MPG of a 2.4 once converted with a full side conversion and pop-top. I have read 25-30 is realistic?
  2. Can anyone recommend an installer of a pop top roof so we can sleep upstairs?


Any help is greatly apprecaited.



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Hi Mark,


1. Correct, you will get something around 25. Conversion and the roof doesn't add that much weight to be fair (as far as kitchen units are made from plywood).

2. Have a look on Drivelodge website and their recommended installers. 



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1 hour ago, nov said:

ve a look on Drivelodge website and


Thanks for your reply. So has it that I have just contacted them but was after a recommendation from someone who has one.


Is that 25 on a good day or average of combined town/motorway sorry?

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7 minutes ago, Sparkie19 said:


Thanks for your reply. So has it that I have just contacted them but was after a recommendation from someone who has one.


Is that 25 on a good day or average of combined town/motorway sorry?

25 is sort of the average for a 2.4, motorway is about 30 and town can be about 20

I get almost 15 daily driving mine :0 i do have a 3L though


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1 hour ago, Sparkie19 said:


Thanks for your reply. So has it that I have just contacted them but was after a recommendation from someone who has one.


Is that 25 on a good day or average of combined town/motorway sorry?


Mine was fitted by Northstar Conversions and 25 is average combined for my 2.4

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Thanks everyone.


We've found a couple of quality 2.4 Alphards that are recently imported, we've also found a Drive Lodge fitter near to Manchester and a local conversion company that can all do it in Feb 2022, so I think we're going to bite the bullet.


Can anyone else recommend what to look out for on a 2.4 2005/2006 when checking them out at dealers?


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