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High Revs

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Hi everyone

Ive had my Alphard a couple of weeks now. Just a quick query. When cruising on the motorway @ 70mph i am sitting on about 4k revs. I have the 3.0l V6 4wd. For me that seems a little high? Or is that normal? Any feedback appreciated.

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4 hours ago, parallax said:

Hi everyone

Ive had my Alphard a couple of weeks now. Just a quick query. When cruising on the motorway @ 70mph i am sitting on about 4k revs. I have the 3.0l V6 4wd. For me that seems a little high? Or is that normal? Any feedback appreciated.


Hello Parallax,


Welcome to the Forum.


You have a four speed auto gearbox. Sound high to me.

Are you sure you have it in 4th gear on the motorway.

Silly question, I know, but it is not unknown for drivers new to autos, and Alphies, to select third gear at move off


I am sure other members, with a four speed, will comment on your revs.

Are the revs OK at tickover, after engine warm up.


Many owners of the older Alphies consider whether a LPG installation is cost effective.

Clearly, it depends, to a certain extent, on your anticipated annual mileage.

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Thanks for the replies. Yes this is my first auto aswell. I believe when shes warm and idling the revs are fine. Im not sure what you mean by have you got it in fourth gear. I select "D3" for all my driving.


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You’re not the first and won’t be the last to make this mistake, same is true for the 5 spd boxes too. The D position is on the left, sliding it across to the R will put it into 3rd (or 4th in the 5-spd models); this means the box will change automatically only up to that gear, it won’t move into the top gear, hence your high revs at cruising speed. Glad you got it sorted, doubt any long term harm has been done. 

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Glad we could all help you.


Don't be surprised if your fuel consumption improves !


Coincidently, I was in Weston today (at the Crem).


My 2006 V6 was turning 2000 rpm at 60mph.


You should now enjoy, happy, quiet, and economical motoring

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