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Change of driving style

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Since I had the Inverter changed for a brand new one imported from Japan around 6 months ago, I have changed my driving style. Where as before I would turn my engine off  if I stopped for lunch in a layby. Now I don't, sometimes parked up for 10 - 15 minutes. I hear what sounds like a fan, ( cooling the Inverter  perhaps ) Then when I drive off, I put it in drive and away I go, less stress on the engine ? or is one supposed to drive a hybrid like that ?

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I always leave my engine running during tea/lunch break stops, mainly because I'm using using the microwave or induction hob.

I'm now wondering if it's the reason I'm now having hybrid problems.....

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My view would be that when you have ignition on all the ECUs are consuming power and much of it is wasted as heat hence a fan will come on consuming even more energy.


OK, next to actually travelling it's not very much. Nonetheless, that consumed energy will need to be replaced by a higher charging current when your engine is running. So it simply costs you fuel that you might otherwise not burn.


I don't have a hybrid but I imagine when you move off you are just using the traction motor. I cannot imagine that what you are doing is reducing stress on the motor and therefore extending its life.

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