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  • 3 weeks later...

A generic OBD reader that works is the Ancel JP700.


Anything more than OBD codes and you need Techstream.

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for this valuable information. I will get the techstream software. Any idea where i could get the right OBD plug?

Toyota germany doesn't know about Alphards and the model 2004 has a different pin assignment as far as i know. That's why no workshop here can use the obd diagnosis at my car. 

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24 minutes ago, karsten doering said:

2004 has a different pin assignment as far as i know

There's at least two interfaces on the J1962 (https://www.dashlogic.com/docs/technical/obdii_connector_pinout) connector that support OBD comms:

  • A) OBD-on-CAN pins 6 and 14.
  • B) OBD-on-K-Line on pin 7.

B is A's predecessor and has a much lower baud rate. On my 2002 2.4L only B is supported and the same is possibly true of your 2004 vehicle. If so, it's likely the workshops you speak to only have equipment that supports A.


Anyway, I can recommend the following cable and software kit: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/124808047632

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