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Fluid leaking from above rear drivers wheel

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Hi all


Just took the alphard for a drive and when I parked up there was a red fluid dripping from above the rear drivers wheel. I will jack it up tomorrow and have a look but was wondering if anyone had anything similar happen? 



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Not happened to me; I would guess that this is a suspension damper leaking oil . There are also some coolant pipes running in that area too, right at the top of the wheel arch under a rather flimsy plastic cover so it could be that corrosion has gone all the way through one of the pipes and now coolant is leaking. Check your coolant level in the engine bay too. Wear some Goggles when you’re poking around in the wheel arch as you don’t want to get any of those things (suspension damping fluid or coolant) in your eyes. 

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks very much for your reply. I did some investigating and found that the clips had disintegrated on the 2 coolant pipes. I replaced them and now there is no leaks!


Thanks again

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