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Hi everyone,


I don't know whether these are news to people but I have come across this today: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/135474538300 which could mean that if a fuse blows it's a simple reset rather than finding where you have stored them from last time etc.


What do people think?

1 hour ago, Gamith said:

Hi everyone,


I don't know whether these are news to people but I have come across this today: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/135474538300 which could mean that if a fuse blows it's a simple reset rather than finding where you have stored them from last time etc.


What do people think?


But will they fit ?


I think you will find  early Alphies use micro fuses.


Also many of the fuses are located in very small inaccessible spaces


True - there are different types in the various fuse boxes, so yeah they wouldn't be useful in all locations.


The passenger foot-well fuses are micro while the fuses in the engine bay are mini (which I have found here: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/296789301797?_skw=Circuit+Breaker+Manual+Reset+Blade+Fuse+mini&itmmeta=01JGSDS05ND72BPY1QBA1SC3JF&hash=item451a055a25:g:68cAAOSw7GJnIazb&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAABEHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKk9--Ax3tcGuTACybiuYm4inTmKZFaMLgO4s4oPpQjzs4QvDBsU%2BgoF%2FYw%2BWh4Xy0pzB4UBhDFji5rphRmwj1N%2FEF3%2FzT6L1UVt9y%2BcM6qVbP9doxHPkSC5xGnzTOSCERD5QIdTB9MyhmjDweX57Ic5vh7zfjYe6xc0TnfOVgkOAqk%2BEOBZq9JdXwpRtlz0uZGeG53o%2B2aGNvXRnIjVLxv0NdsdL%2BLacgv%2FQhyYqxsyTrwHmLodF0myp4G8sdHaaZQLdNm04M%2FKE4DUAiLOXQ5zhWowvx2pZQfKJ4t3PeugnsVLzYpE4ERCdBbKvbNTRUQhl6yC%2BNP8%2FwWIR5P3O67Z|tkp%3ABFBM-ILkrYZl) so they are useful for those at least. 


I can't find any micro versions though.


I must admit that I am tempted to get a few and use them when an appropriate fuse goes.



I have also found these: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/364658290292?_skw=Micro+Blade+Fuse+Adapter&itmmeta=01JGTP24G53WV6KM9H2VQ0BK6H&hash=item54e753ee74:g:oSMAAOSwV5BllNCw&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA8HoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKmxdoLQ0oMo4WJzuUWlOzgoK9fSfS4Y5b%2BwFfUl%2BTKKkulMP6XMTBwnupb8yHtMPz1Kn05MmsGsMMon%2BZZeTCAIVnP4sI4Kk8JELrKe6xi9fW33D%2BZNgK%2Bk%2FpSktSA4hsrkO4zRIAMNBz6UpWqahNU0cTv4uqgFMyWWQTUml1PbsATksCfTQn2N60RlWtnv4Bt%2FxK9TY36WxgJtiFeMJKYDY4t0Iq5nOmJUPXNpYvIy5FmB19XUpN%2FyRfL6mxfessj4%2FB3hW643uhwpTKbsr6%2BlCODV%2F42cleZ33BD3bMJC%2Bg%3D%3D|tkp%3ABFBMmMiI1oZl 12X 12V 10Amp Car Add-a-circuit Fuse Tap Adapter Holder Kit ATM APM Blade Fuse - Picture 1 of 7 

which looks to be a good way of getting a fused 10A feed from any of the fuse boxes to whatever toys you want to fit.

As my current setup is a rats-nest of extra cables clipped / spliced onto existing cables this would be a better way of doing things. The only downside (aside from a lot of work) is that you can't easily fit them back-to-back, though flipping one through 180 degrees would work you can only do that for two feeds next to each other.

It would make extracting a fuse simpler though.


The only thing lacking is a way of labelling the feeds.


I have also been struggling with the names of the different types of fuses as I was confusing 'Micro' with what looks to be 'Low Profile Mini':


I am assuming that the two types of Mini aren't interchangeable - that would make things too easy.



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