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Thanks for letting me join your august body of enthusiasts.

I am a very new Alphard owner and have found a number of things a little puzzling especially the fussy electric doors and how to ensure that everything is shut sufficiently so I don't deplete my battery!!!

I am hoping to use the van for camping and was wondering if you can avoid the alarm being set once you take the key out of the ignition. I have noticed that as soon as the key comes out the little red flashing car appears. I know that is an immobiliser but will it act as an alarm only if locked? I know this sounds a bit daft but have got myself a little confused by the whole thing. 

Help would be appreciated.

With the camping theme at the forefront of my mind can I, for instance, park the car and have the back door open without draining the battery or is this only something that affects the battery if you have the car locked. And will having the electric door open, after turning off the car, deplete the battery.

Many thanks for your help.

Craig - new member

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Just put a multimeter on the battery whilst each door is open and see if the voltage drops, even by a small amount. My guess is

That if the key is not in the ignition then there will be no battery drain whether doors are open or not.

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