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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX Γ—


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Everything posted by shawn

  1. Sparkie have you seen previous threads here like this one - https://uk.alphardclub.com/forums/topic/1132-tailgate-hatchback-awning/
  2. That is helpful . I was previously assuming the revs related directly to fuel consumption. thanks.
  3. That's a brilliant idea ! Somebody needs to make an Alphard stretch limo . πŸšπŸ›πŸš½πŸšπŸ’¨
  4. the hight can be adjusted by carrying a shovel and bricks, you can dig a hole for the back wheels or drive it up on bricks. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🀣 🀐
  5. Here are 2 that go over the the top, Would have to check size. I wonder though if perhaps they could rub away at the paint in a strong wind . https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264641461476?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111452%26meid%3D135814b2d85149aa81a5461cda18d533%26pid%3D101196%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D264848233718%26itm%3D264641461476%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWebWithBBEV2bAndUBSourceDemotionWithUltimatelyBoughtOfCoviewV1&_trksid=p2047675.c101196.m2219&amdata=cksum%3A264641461476135814b2d85149aa81a5461cda18d533%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACMENDXksdu1OzvDq1AyPJhfeZ0kh%252BKj8z3ZPtSJ3%252FvKTNO6OuyxP7O21LAuHvWiIEHhNXPe12cHc45SMB8d%252FVVXRQNfxEkjzgulzCij%252BWaujAoyNYVSTZKCIKV7lPxTzTIPfj7xLHmLqVYAPlesoJBtD77yvKhe2YfUvpQq1rzon38K3eRnOuMFcpF4mOxE6XGO6RsidyL5Ho9aV58Z6OxRHC9jI4euxuYXtH97XP4sUcO6TJyCVkkfC6f473c5UDU3h6AOEGvfDh6pGDRLCc8zaG15MNEHnC29g5BsfgGvVZOigAZ1N8xS%252BHaU7cJCNWHVNku5CcdB1rdDpi0KmRrROooQtyBKVnrayIqiBNMaV%252BAgCmHIAzVwFsNijtECEk8LRgKv18CfpjLP85ZD1wWopDyDEcqlk1OdRQMj4lCdAKlng2vLX07Ams0QQ%252BdN6eAf4zlSH2sx79dOCRcC7yMSumnk5SY0fzyC3Uf1qn1LsjmBORUouVKByt0iPIQZLytyTBQzWfUnBHK%252FqfOu1EaF5ATWfJ%252BxlaNqcjAC5xtwJor6wmJj%252BmCGSb3%252B7Odi7UTbZ92LOC5FnjCOJjAt15%252F55rp69um92Q1oiQqDlzwZdWxtTUTGEtHk06Q4xuQ9kFsO120Izd9yPySMrOkohlqyfoCjUFuNikgwHTmuCxtv3RFs3hIH50Wf%252FHdsQAJn0immEbbQlsIHggPugyNFBfuSnObo6m77K%252BqTukImJW41JN%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264848233718?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20201210111452%26meid%3D038a03d432894a99a78a9e001f2eb485%26pid%3D101196%26rk%3D3%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D264650198973%26itm%3D264848233718%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplAMLv5PairwiseWebWithBBEV2bAndUBSourceDemotionWithUltimatelyBoughtOfCoviewV1&_trksid=p2047675.c101196.m2219&amdata=cksum%3A264848233718038a03d432894a99a78a9e001f2eb485%7Cenc%3AAQAGAAACMMknbRsLux60Zvuzv11DdHvEmZfGhoxdnf3uduHHHmIx8Hn%252F3mPhmcIHdjOuCLtqcG%252BIpGI5vH%252FRN%252BzKlcuoJI8whCmqFULQafk02WzbqaACgERdcT61KoF0hxIq%252Frhxb81lWHcgbmqT0TzeXOSohok%252FH9tp8mDKeKDlid2eQS4MTqrxdr%252FJXl7FkWi90dC7jBrI7nmjpDqfDRmlle8gW64frf0x%252FhO4PXkKFq1uWT6XXKNPZ5MFWBDGBwp7QRYfu0YQDr9UqvS6ZQ4Ork2hM%252FnSdokHrjJn755GMRxWOsyHm2iyBh7O%252FiTjwDzMkHIwvKZValcToKKBGtB%252B3gIV5rhM4kkT%252BgUOcnU93MDM1XnL2S0LQz6R2tn9wJ9gjzbFgVMkvvaE8E8jphZz7A9bFpZekQKqv7z9qkKYo9E0y2h22awJZQ6Fw4pw7dceQTrvFh1YtNXuOnipKJeiAZI9N96uJzKRHnlABH%252BtWQiLrBWssYT6zzEHQuVfhIzxUIr2KpkJVOR4Ma1TmvDl35Atvk%252FNtixX0VCM0TgP96dyA0qlo6wBbhvzDn7fsHa3OZVN3lets%252FYHuOwxRBkzBmMRsv0EhVBQBOVuQNRrqwXe8KIWNy5zlg5UYWNOHO2H6xaW0TeZ3IHdWytkVonTOWTWES5D5Ukmak%252BDmPBZ08af9NtU%252FDjJm%252FbMvVDku1ubwTJ%252Fyrsp%252FqOHo%252FhDNsU0EU4JIDspbJryB1CYEmuFJPxRsIzr%7Campid%3APL_CLK%7Cclp%3A2047675
  6. how about this one - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/264650198973?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110013%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIMRXI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20210125103646%26meid%3Dc198c4ffac264548b37f01282cc48e63%26pid%3D101112%26rk%3D5%26rkt%3D24%26sd%3D133896609462%26itm%3D264650198973%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2563228%26algv%3DSIMRVIMLRV5WebV1_0&_trksid=p2563228.c101112.m1982&amdata=cksum%3A264650198973c198c4ffac264548b37f01282cc48e63|enc%3AAQAGAAACABgk79HqHhyV5VNmE4%2FgqHKNMVc9UeDfpwEnc0%2FQzlONtQQrUYLzfot4sy%2F70QPiBWsVcfVilF%2Btm%2FS%2Bl0IQ3EMLLwhX47Q6xo%2Fep%2BSXYUvuY7Lt%2F2xxpIlsfw4i68lKUvuAMjB3ap9xwTa1gyF7oCOPbqYu676D%2B2wMAgo8YGFoWOjDkwEBTEcczhKladCsJcUnj887552XoJrWPIiYUxNASr9IjtaXrdvvl9S7J8BKj9uKuagHQwxglaEzzYblRkuIyRlMieSYCommaGhfPvU2OyCcja%2FaumQnPn3qdELLUMCdVy5KhqFX75DyKVHgUeY9lZ18xm69zqEpqfvcMCSmI%2BOeg0grNxyaQ16ZDJdyxQzI%2FBW3JkoXf9EmkWWktb6mRvBXkQg1q6Oal1i5Z6XacTZ1aZZsbpUPKlZi0bINvzDrWEZANsf3XRm7l2myJFLmQoBZmczpSEU0YttxMAx%2FaUlYrfZZQBhWjr0V393JO6MMv2tE%2BS3P47ehQ2NDaUDmdtRwSNV5HGxiJrcU%2BuaXawo%2F7phb2oMNFPu%2ByMaqQzQSsCdDeUpMfrUzmLSRh7bw%2F3OyTj%2FxcLvdWCgECps4nbCf%2BHxUMnYajclm4%2B7seEso3utLv%2F%2FUf6FuGz6ZgU%2FX6y%2Fpy8CkfJ5vF7pKNiIL7nCK3Hf9U2IBKQkXLMhc|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A2563228
  7. it looks like your the first to pull the handle off 😞
  8. Thanks mate. I read in the manual not to coast downhill, but it explains the reason for that advice is the loss of engine breaking in an emergence could be dangerous. Well that don't bother me as my breaks are great, and I can always slip it back in gear if I need. As for the petrol saving – I notice the rev counter drops all the way down to tick-over when I knock it out of gear. Also when in gear the engine drag slows me down a little when im not using the accelerator. For example- I have a down hill road near me that is about one mile long, if im doing 40mph at the top and coast, ill still be doing 40 at the bottom. But if I leave it in gear the rev counter will be double what it is on tick-over & the engine drag slows the van to the extent that I will need to occasionally apply slight pressure to the accelerator peddle to maintain 40mph Its a quandary thanks for you thoughts on the matter
  9. is it a problem to slip in and out of neutral when a long period of costing are possible ? The reason I ask is that I have some roads around here where I can easily just roll along for a mile or so, I have usually had manual motors and I would push the clutch in and save myself petrol. My Alphard is auto and im now in the habit of knocking in into neutral when I want to cost downhill, a recent passenger of mine said i could damage my gear box doing this . What say you ?
  10. Or 2 Sumo wrestlers 😲
  11. that's interesting Rojie I do have that cluster of 5 switches but 4 of mine are blanks, I guess I have a basic model
  12. What prompted me to ask the question in the first place was my son started the van and he jumped back from the steering wheel in surprise, saying β€œsh** what's happening ?” that made me think this is a bit odd, so I wondered if all Alparhds do it. Catweazle - that makes sense, I hope it is just automatic choke, fingers crossed. Andrew - Mine also drops the revs immediately if I put it in gear.
  13. Today i started without my foot on peddle and it automatically starts at 2200 revs and takes about 3 seconds only to drop to 1100 revs. After that it slowly reduces down to about 800 Nice youtube find Alfie πŸ™‚ ill be giving that a try.
  14. I stuck mine at the bottom of the screen in the middle, it is powered from the cigarette lighter . Mine has a nice long cable so I was able to hide it by pushing it into the joins on the dash, then ran it down behind the door jam and under the carpet, then up into the bottom of the glove box. So my cable is just visible from the cigarette lighter and immediately disappears into the glove box. Glove box still shuts ok without pinching the cable.
  15. Rojie. i just messaged you πŸ™‚
  16. Rojie. happy to, ill take some pics tomorrow
  17. Alfie your description sound like mine, I also have a 2.4. tomorrow I will take note of how hight the revs go and for how long. Ill report back
  18. First thing in the morning mine seem to have a mind of its own . For a couple of seconds only, It thinks it is a racing car, Then it hands control back over to me . Is this normal ? Or possessed 😲
  19. iv got 2007, can send photos
  20. Government web site says the new fuel is ok for Alphards (so im told ) But it stipulates European Alphards are ok. Mine is a Jap import, So no government advise for me then 😞
  21. iv been putting basic unleaded only in my 2.4 and no problems so far. fingers crossed 🀞
  22. I didn't notice any power loss on an old auto range rover
  23. thanks this is the first iv heard of this
  24. what is E10 fuel ?
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