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  • Name: Tony
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 3.0 (02-08)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
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  1. Selling my custom Alphard grille on eBay if anyone is interested. Start price of just £35 and on sale now https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/156176901458?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=GP9Rh_czTwe&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=GP9Rh_czTwe&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  2. Perfect thanks - found it in the darkness a a little cramped due to the battery
  3. Actually it is a very easy job to do- there are kits and supplies readily available and I have already done several other cars without issues. we previously took our fiat 500 to have its air con sorted for £185 at a main dealer- 2 months later it wasn’t working again- i prefer to do things properly myself. Any help with the location of the connection greatly appreciated- it isn’t in the handbook unfortunately.
  4. Can anyone point out where the air con recharge connections are? We have a 2003 Alphard V6 and I can find what I think is the ‘hi’ connector (the larger one) just behind the near side headlight but cannot see the ‘low’ connector (small one) anywhere under the bonnet.
  5. I have a similar problem with my passenger door on closing. It goes all the way into the aperture but the rear edge remains out about 10mm and therefore doesn’t latch closed. I can push it in and it then clicks and latches. any ideas on what is wrong (It’s a 2004 model) - it always opens electrically by the dash switch and outside handle but I’ve noticed it being intermittent when opening from the interior handle- sometimes not unlocking to open manually. Thanks for any guidance.
  6. I like the idea of Donington Park- especially if there is a JDM meet
  7. Hi all - the paint on our pop top is now all cracking and flaking to the point of needing a re spray. Anyone have any recommendations for someone to do this preferably between London and Sussex coast area?
  8. Is there any further info on camping over the night before… is this still an option?
  9. We are currently looking for a smallish drive away awning for our 2004 conversion. Not sure whether to get a blow up or frame - any experience anyone?.
  10. We have put a ‘v’ reg on our 2005 with no problems..
  11. Sounds like a good idea! Would be interested and I guess there are lots of camper conversions so an overnight stop over somewhere close would be great.
  12. I’ve been getting to know my recently acquired Alphard and doing lots of button pressing. When I bought it the door mirrors used to fold when the door locked on the key remote….now they don’t, although they still fold in and out using the switch on the door. Has anyone else had this issue and how do I fix it ? Thanks
  13. I’ve just been going round checking bulbs on my 2003 v6 4wd. I’ve managed to sort most but can’t see how to access the front fog light bulbs. I don’t want to start pulling the wrong trim etc. off unnecessarily. Has anyone got the lowdown on how? Thanks
  14. Hello all- I’ve just bought a 2003 camper conversion and it has a body kit fitted around the lower of the vehicle. I believe it is a factory “aero kit” option. I’m looking for some attachment clips that press into the steel panels as a few are broken. Any idea where they are in the catalogue or what the part number is ? Thanks
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