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Everything posted by Picasso

  1. The front one bank one is not a oxygen sensor it’s a fuel ratio sensor
  2. hi Neville genuine Toyota £180 + vat each I wont pay that . the ones i have gone for are £85 a pair just looking at them they are far better quality the cheap ones hardly have any rubber in them and they are heavier than the cheap ones .
  3. Problem is not just jdm selling them it seems eBay has been flooded with the cheap ones will give update when new ones arrive and fitted want to compare the old ones to the new ones
  4. I had my axle bushes changed last October for the mot as they failed I been having a knocking noise coming from the rear so took my Alphard back to where I had the mot done they put it up on the ramp and I was shocked to find both axle bushes have failed again the mechanic who did the job said he seen nothing like it he said they was worse than the old ones I supplied the bushes which I bought off eBay £45 a pair there are dearer ones on eBay £85 a pair I contacted the company JDM in Leominster his add 2 year warranty unlimited warranty won’t honour the warranty because your only covered for 3 months on eBay and he knows I have no chance getting a refund beware the cheaper ones on eBay are cheap sub standard rubbish . Learnt a very valuable lesson today and a costly one have ordered new bushes heavy duty ones and going to cost me again £350 labour to have them fitted
  5. Paul fingers crossed for pass on emissions
  6. some one might correct me i believe its 5 ltrs left when fuel light comes on
  7. I personally go for blueprint as they are oe spec and for the jdm market
  8. Welcome Johnathan I help lots of members on here with part no.s pm me your reg no and I will get the part no. For you
  9. welcome Keith that's not a Toyota part no. are you able to attach a photo of the broken unit and your reg no. i will find the correct part no. for you and point you in right direction to source the part
  10. Roger is correct you will get the wrong help and information from other members please change your profile to correct vehicle
  11. Darren never changed one myself but there is a video on here somewhere how to do it the cable from Toyota is about £300
  12. your engine only takes 5 litres you need to ask garage how many liters they put in i recon they put at least 6 litres or even more which seems a very silly thing for your garage to do fingers crossed your ok did your engine smoke by any chance as this would be a sign of burning oil
  13. peter have you just had this serviced by a garage only asking because you say you will be reimbursed
  14. Peter do not run it with that amount of oil in it as it will push pass the piston rings and damage other parts of the engine in time
  15. graham polish the head lamps there is lots of products out there that work
  16. hello peter get it drained ASP you will damage the engine
  17. Hello jack sorry it’s a whole headlamp as the unit is sealed
  18. Simon what’s your reg no. Pm me
  19. Hello Simon picture attached circled of module Toyota part no. 8925730070 Check out this link https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007739244280.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.1.70aa4aJx4aJxTQ&algo_pvid=84f29220-0593-474c-8dba-f3c2abfa368b&algo_exp_id=84f29220-0593-474c-8dba-f3c2abfa368b-0&pdp_ext_f={"order"%3A"1"%2C"eval"%3A"1"}&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!15.19!15.19!!!135.47!135.47!%40!12000042044877078!sea!UK!1606916510!ABX&curPageLogUid=aVUc4AJxid9J&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A Before placing the module make sure the fans move freely by hand because if they are seized they will blow the module I personally would replace the coolant tempature sensor first as this tells the ecu when to switch the fans on
  20. Hello Simon I help lots of members on here with part no. S and ideas where to purchase pm me your reg no.
  21. had mine done about 6 months ago £180 labor to replace both arms + cost of arms which i supplied parts £120 for both arms
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