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  1. Went with Northstar bce they had in the offer L-shape kitchen with wider bed and it was an opportunity to stay on the island for few nights. At that time ND price for the type of the conversion was less appealing to myself.... same as many others mainland convertors. Funny fact that some of the convertors are starting to copy Northstar design now, L-shape with wider bed. Personally I believe this is the way to go for the Alphard. Northstar will have quicker turnaround, they can do it in few days... however it doesn't mean they are perfect 😉 I would suggest to do roof first as you will have less chances of you side conversion and bed getting damaged during the roof instalation.
  2. Try https://www.ssautos.co.uk/
  3. I was asking myself similar question last year and decided that 20series for conversion is not a great deal anymore. For the price of 20series + full conversion you can get converted T6. You will also pay a bit more for converting 20series than 10. Decided on getting high grade as a solid base 10 series after facelift 2005-2008.
  4. Could you share a picture of your cover and the tailgate? I kind of like this idea 🙃 Thanks
  5. You can adjust the brightness with the speedo knob
  6. I had to cut two wires in the adapter however looks like for Pioneer you don't need to cut anything. Connections are based on the sockets, simply plug in. Below post have some real pictures of the wiring.
  7. You will adaptor, it's simply plug in job. I have this one for my Kenwood https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/373176086232
  8. Mine don't go fully in as well but are secure enought to not fell out
  9. Oil burnout could be due to the bad servicing in the past and/or wrong oil used. Below video may explain a bit more on this topic
  10. Alphard engines are/were not affected by the oil burnout, this was the problem for US market only with the Toyota 2.4 engines manufactured in US. All Alphard engines are manufacturer in Japan.
  11. High kerbs and rocks on off road car parks, campsites can be problematic, everything else is pretty much standard as with any other car. You will get used to it.
  12. Hi, Yes, switched to E5 in November (after approx 1.5-2k miles on E10). Mainly due to the lower mpg and bit noiser engine while on E10.
  13. Hi, So far so good, no flashing or any errors.
  14. STAG is the leader on PL market and very popular in the whole Europe. It's more about the installer instead of the system I believe, a great system fitted just to fit will be problematic. From what I can see there is no Stag Approved/uklpg installer in Deeside http://autogas-network.co.uk/, https://www.drivelpg.co.uk/ You may want to double check this to avoid issues with insurance and other problems. Your price seems to be similar to other installers of STAG, however there are few "recommended"(on forums) charging in the range of £1200-£1500 for the same system. FYI to install this system in Europe to 2.4, 4 cylinder car it's no more than £500-£600 (In the country where LPG is a norm as a dual fuel). Hopefully someone will provide you a "genuine" response to your question about own experience with the STAG.
  15. Have a look on Drivelodge roofs (I have one). Here is the link to the fitters http://drivelodge.co.uk/a-drivelodge-fitter-near-you
  16. It can be done with some extra costs involved (additional support will be needed) and not every single converter wil be happy to do it. One of the main reasons I bought Alphard without the sunroof. Get in touch with Northstar Conversions from Isle Of Wight, they should be able to do it (if in a good spirit ) When I did my full side conversion with them we had discussion about it.
  17. How do you find your Stag system installed by Profess guys? Did you had many issues with it?
  18. Pop out roof itself is around £4k fitted....if you think of having one.
  19. @Picasso which lpg system did you get for that price?
  20. Here is the original link to Alphard group on facebook about these bulbs https://www.facebook.com/groups/1946395738929628/permalink/3106503386252185/ You will find them in the comments. I believe Ebay Compatibility option is never accurate.
  21. Side lights W5W LED Just ordered this ones https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2x-CANBUS-ERROR-FREE-T10-501-COB-LED-BULBS-XENON-WHITE-INTERIOR-LIGHT-SIDELIGHTS-/223731089331?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0
  22. I prefer E52 look and shape however decided to get an Alphard 1. Alphard is more comfortable to drive 2. Alphard parts are shared with other Toyotas which means they are more available. Elgrand is more custom build, you will need to source most of the parts from Japan or search for used ones. You may also want to compare the height. As for the camper use pretty sure Alphard will be the winner here above Velfire and E52.
  23. Oh WOW... this is definitely not legit for uk. If importer was responsible for van registration in uk he should sort this out for you properly without a question. In 20 series you can have rear light activated via momentary switch. Have a look on the Chris.ac video in the below post For the rear fog light itself you can use rear light as in below pictures (left=normal lights on, right=fog light on)
  24. Oh right... good to know.
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