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Personal Information

  • Name: Alan
  • Alphard / Vellfire Model
    Alphard 240 (08-15)
  • Alphard / Vellfire Year
  • Your Location
    Wark, Cornhill-on-Tweed

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Apprentice (3/14)

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  1. Looking at Easy Camp Crowford camper tailgate tent, fits T6 VW and MB W447. Have messaged the company selling this if it would fit my Alfie. Anyone used one?
  2. Thanks Roger, That sounds like the thing, I’ll take a look at their website. cheers, Alan
  3. Hi, now that the yellow ball in the sky has decided to appear occasionally, I have been thinking about some sort of panels that would fit around the open tailgate on my Alphie. I don’t want a drive away awning, as currently we just use it as a day van but it would be nice to sit outside under some protection from sun or rain at the back of the van when having a picnic. Anyone got any thoughts or suggestions? Alan
  4. Neville, thanks for the correction! Can’t blame the spellcheck, just lack of communication between grey cells and fingers! 😂😂😂
  5. Cheers Neville, thanks, consensus seems to be Tanya, I’ll try them first.
  6. Thanks Roger, will take a look at them.
  7. Sorry, I expect this has been asked before, but: (newbie). I became an Alphard owner just a week ago. All great until this morning. When I came to start it, the battery was nearly dead, not enough power to turn over the engine! I have taken it out and got it on my maintainer/charger but it doesn’t look promising. ☹️ Can anyone suggest a quality replacement? Alphard 2013 series 20 240S petrol, (NOT Hybrid). cheers, Alan
  8. No problem. So have you any suggestions about ISOfix for the rear seats? Alan
  9. Sorry Rojie, We seem to at cross purposes. To simplify, there are no middle row of seats. I need to have isofix available on 2 of the rear seats either by conversion or replacement. Is this possible? The front seats are not reversible, and will remain front facing only. (Effectively a 5 seater). Two Grandparents and two Grandchildren 😀 Cheers, Alan
  10. Thanks Rojie. Rear, (the middle seats already have isofix connections). I am running through the options of conversion to a “day van” eventually. If for example I remove the middle seats to allow for “picnic” space, that would mean I would have no means of taking the young grandchildren out. Unless there’s a way to alter or replace the rear seats with isofix points
  11. Can any member tell me, (I’m a newbie), if the rear seats in my newly acquired 2013 240S can be replaced (or up rated), with items that have isofix child seat fittings, (like the centre seats)?
  12. Picking up our 2013 Alphard tomorrow. Yeah! Not immediately, but I am considering the first move to converting it to a “day van.” I would be interested to know from happy members what pop top to go for. I was looking at DriveLodge, but am open to suggestions from anyone who has experience in having one fitted to a base Alphard 20 series? BTW we live in North Northumberland, near the Scottish Borders if anyone knows of a company that would fit one in my area. Cheers, Alan
  13. Sounds like a good result Charlie, (except for the increase)! I haven’t got my vehicle yet, (it’s still in the standard 7 seat configuration), and hopefully will be collecting it next week. It’s all registered. Can’t wait, first import I’ve ever owned. Reading the other results on this forum thread, I thought I’d got a reasonable deal, obviously not! 😩
  14. Out of interest, Just got a quote from Adrian Flux. £621.93 (with £750 excess). Alphard 2013 240S petrol We are both retired, (I’m in my 70’s). Full NCB.
  15. Great, thanks. All I need to do now is learn how to use the correct forums!
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