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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×

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Hi all,

I thought I should introduce myself, my name is Ron Watson and although not yet a 'proud' owner of an 'Alphard Camper' It is my intention to be one as soon as I can decide on Model, Build Year,Build config, cost, preferred dealer etc. etc.etc.

Because of all the information I need to gather before taking the final selection I thought it wise to join a Forum of like minded people hence my registration on your Forum; I would be most appreciative of any advise or information you can provide; in return I will keep you posted as regards my progress in obtaining one of these vehicles. 

From a personal point of view I am interested in purchasing a Alphard as a completed vehicle or customise an imported MPV to my taste however my circumstances are as follows regarding minimum criteria to be met by any Vehicle hopefully they are not unrealistic for any supplier to meet... I dont think they are.


I take 'early' retirement next spring (2019) and will be taking annual '6 monthly' Europe journeys - as far as Turkey; so an easily serviced vehicle and availability of spares would be good - I assume as its Toyota this would not be an issue

'Pop up' roof is my preference, I think, I am mainly touring in the Summer so ventilation would be key 

Personnel = 2 Adults and 2 smallish dogs

Side kitchen I think - it just seems to be more flexible and will enable placement of a dog cage at night?

Fixed side awning - I quite like the 'air filled' designs but I don't know if that is feasible with an Alphard?


I intend to visit a few dealers to look at these vehicles in the next few weeks, my initial visits - due to my location - will be Campers Scotland in Grangemouth , Fantastic Campers in Cupar, Wellhouse in Huddersfield - are there any other dealers that people may be aware of nearer to me in Northumberland?

Hope I haven't bored you, as you can see I am completely new to this ...looking forward to speaking to you all

Ron Watson





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Hi Ron


Welcome to the Alphard Club. You will be making a wise choice getting an Alphard. They are amazing in terms of reliability. 

It doesn't mean yo can skimp on choosing the right car as there will be a few that have not been looked after. So you will need to take your time.

Make sure you get t see the original auction sheets if it's a new import and make sure its got a Bimta or Jevic mileage verification certificate. There are a few bad apples out there.

Let us know how you get on.


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Many thanks for the welcome...

Thanks for the advice re 'auction' sheets and 'mileage verification' certificate, I was completely unaware - which shows how much I have to learn, but I am determined to take my time before choosing the right vehicle, starting with visits to my nearest dealers. 

I will keep you posted as regards any progress made and I am sure I will be posting the odd question or three to the Forum as I do so....    


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Welcome, As said above. Plus make sure you get a 3L or above if having a camper. A lot of people have them as campers and there are a few converters which are preferred. We have not converted our van. (While the kids are young still) 


But things to look for. 

1. Make sure it is undersealed

2. check for any rust spots on the inner wheel arches

3. if LPG converted check the certification and make sure it's had a service in the last year.

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Thanks for the sound advice Alex, I will do as you suggest re inspections, it is my intention to go for the 3.0 V6 model and I will also be looking into the possibility of a refillable LPG system e.g Gaslow - if that is a feasible option?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Making slow progress re selection, but it will take as long as it takes; I have arrived at a couple of decisions though....I think I have zeroed in on 2 Alphard suppliers, unluckily for me one is in Scotland the other in Worcester, so a couple of 'overnighters' beckon soon.

The other decision I have arrived at - most reluctantly - is the decision not to go with LPG as an option - the restriction on Le Shuttle is a deal breaker for me as I intend to travel in Europe quite a lot from next year and using Ferries with LPG is just not a viable option to financially offset the shuttle exclusion.

it may not read like progress but it feels like it and already I feel I am getting a handle on my vehicular requirements ...onward and upward or should that be 'Alphard'?



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Hi Ron, We've just bought our Alphard from Ian Taylor's Campers in Stoke on Trent : http://www.japcarimport.co.uk/

Its not a swish show room but the guy is very friendly - no hard sell. Got lots of Alphards and Bongos. What swung it for us is he gives 3 years warranty.  

We're having to wait a while for the conversion and the roof to be fitted but will be able to pick up and use the vehicle in the meantime until the roof has arrived. 

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