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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Gamith

  1. And having it on a momentary switch would be pointless.
  2. On my 2005 facelift model (with the kerb-mirror) I got the following items: '75b037 Holden Steering Wheel Button for Toyota Previa UK1870633-30' - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/126400441233 (used) - £21.00 + p&p = £32.88 'CRUISE CONTROL STALK SWICTH FIT FOR TOYOTA YARIS RAV4 LANDCRUISER PRIUS AURIS' - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/184954212553 (new) - £9.07 + p&p = £10.88 'Car Cruise Switch Dust Cover For Toyota Brevis / Land Cruiser Prado/ Lexus GX470' - https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/394985766079 - £12.88 + p&p = £15.46 Total = £59.22 I am still waiting for the last item but have fitted the first two and when I press the 'On' button I get the green 'Cruise' light up on my dashboard. i have yet to test but it's looking good so far. The only real issue I had was that there is another connector (a flat ribbon) at the bottom of the 'steering wheel button' assembly that I couldn't get to detach so I swapped the connector cable rather than the whole unit. I now need to tie-wrap the replacement cable into place, but no biggie. It took about 30 mins and would have been less if I have the right tools with me from the start. Yep - it all works fine, having tested it on a local 40 MPH section of road. rather chuffed with that.
  3. OK, so I either have faulty wiring or missing module. When I get a chance I will pop the switch out from the dash and see what the wiring looks like. Thanks everyone, at least I am not alone in the button pushing world 🙂
  4. This, for instance, looks straight-forward enough: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005007565809483.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.9.3774afcBafcBr7&algo_pvid=67fd46cc-30b9-4436-84ff-5744beba0bb9&aem_p4p_detail=202410200651511337685933295950009316915&algo_exp_id=67fd46cc-30b9-4436-84ff-5744beba0bb9-4&pdp_npi=4%40dis!GBP!77.97!23.39!!!702.43!210.72!%402103868a17294323114472840e543f!12000041322110936!sea!UK!6132551462!X&curPageLogUid=471IsO5hqd1W&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A&search_p4p_id=202410200651511337685933295950009316915_4 but I am wondering whether a specific module (like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204153716904?_skw=mirror+auto+fold+module+Toyota+Alphard+2005+2.4+MK+I&itmmeta=01JAN32QB3AEPZH3V3TSQTXGBH&hash=item2f888280a8:g:XUMAAOSw3Cxjc41A&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAABEHoV3kP08IDx%2BKZ9MfhVJKktMC8vO2o8wmSfQlWIpyFXsvdmiEDNE0fzTNUNnzMRyQmpWdOM3GBVoaOVKc3we4aU1EzbFYyZZopUU%2Bhe3PQflhFWAP3PIJiWq3nx8R9CNufUNud65yYHGhV8k8q7hCWy%2B3YUxyjlA8C%2B6KXAjFmNk0IAxj43txfU4HAX9vaFeQN7FvmJqOa6riYwh8cFhW2WodwfnHeSLkzKzju8guI3rN%2BN0rlaQ8VOTY1OUdfmLmgNxcS0pv6U4SVN4eahB2Kb9Bny7J%2Br3lqnm5M05Pcou1d60Li%2Fgsn2aMnxmQwzKtvuzL5XuUoUPTCSpO72QCsv0BtYTZTIahPfT9AwMn8x|tkp%3ABFBM1vWKo9Vk) would be a better choice.
  5. Before I spend time (and quite likely money) on this can anyone confirm or deny that it's possible to get the wing mirrors to (un)fold when the car in (un)locked? I can press the button to fold them (so that bit works fine) but often have to remember to open them after pulling away from where I have parked and return to the car after locking it to fold them. If it can be done and someone has the part number(s), a link to a video on how to do it etc. that would be appreciated 🙂 Cheers in advance. Paul
  6. Good morning Sunesh - I am afraid I am not sure what you mean by 'auto light' is this an internal or external light? What makes it automatic? The only item I can think of is when it gets dark the headlights will come on, is that what you mean?
  7. That is not a concern - there are plenty of people with older Alphards - mine is a 2005.
  8. I would take a look at ebay and check out people breaking ones - it should be made a little easier as it's not dependant on the colour of the vehicle.
  9. Good news - I hope it's undamaged. May be look into a tracker for it?
  10. That looks to be a home-made contraption. You could undo the screws on the back and take a picture of the insides, that might give a clue. Does the button lock down or does it just pop back - if the latter I would suggest it is used to check that the battery has enough charge - 12v and it lights up, less than that it doesn't.
  11. I have just done this and used a bulkhead grommet that is on the passenger side and quite easily reachable from the passenger foot well. In the engine bay, standing in front of the battery, look down and towards the bulkhead where the passengers feet would be - there should be a large collection of wires in a pipe of sorts which goes through a rather large rubber grommet. Mine already had a red cable going through it so was rather easy to see. I used an unbent coat-hanger, looped at one end, to push through from the bulkhead from the engine bay and then attached the wire to it in the footwell and pulled & twisted until it came through. I hope that helps someone.
  12. I was thinking about a towbar fitting, but rather than a towball you have a custom arm bolted to the tow ball bit that is hinged at one end to allow it to swing clear of the rear door. I just don't know how an Alphard / Vellfire would get on with such a sideways load on it's towbar. Ah - like this: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/swing-out-tow-ball-bracket-/395522872052?var=0&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=710-53481-19255-0&campid=5338590836&toolid=10044&customid=988f0e5379641f8f187b6959b42542ec
  13. Welcome Ken, I hope you find useful information here, even if it's just what certain buttons do 🙂
  14. I thought I would try it as it's 15UKP. It looks to be a Russian manual OCR'd into English. There are many 'typos' where the OCR hasn't worked and inserted random text. The fonts change as well as the size of the text so in places it's rather meaningless. While its better than nothing it would entirely depend on what you are trying to do as to whether you get value from it - on the whole it would probably be of benefit but for specifics, such as the torque setting for an engine head head bolt, you might struggle. Strangely the diagrams (approx 1000 pages of!) seem to be very well translated, I haven't found an obvious 'hard to read' bit.
  15. I would suggest getting a wire coat-hanger and straightening it out then push it through the rubber grommet and see if you can feed it downwards - you may then be able to see or feel it behind the dashboard etc. You could put some coloured electrical insulation tape on the end - it might make a difference to being able to spot it. (If there are two of you one could wiggle the coat hanger while the other looks / listens)
  16. Here is mine for reference.
  17. I just checked and mine (2005 2.4l) is a Varta 45Ah so theoretically the same spec - though it looks rather smaller than I might expect it's been performing fine for the 6 weeks we have had it so far.
  18. A search for 'Toyota Alphard Trybrid Campervan' will find it.
  19. I thought I had replied to say thank you and I wouldn't have thought that myself. It must have been lost in the ether.
  20. A little update - I was able to glue my broken one back together well enough for it to fit Ok so I now have the purchased one in one of the door pockets 'just in case' 🙂
  21. I don't have it - it was in one of the pictures that Auticka posted and I just asked the question - I originally thought it was attached to the steering wheel 🙂. I guess an anti-theft device would make sense but why also turn off the brake light circuit?
  22. This may be a silly question but will the same LED bulbs (https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/382904669684) fit a 2005 model ANH10?
  23. Thank you - is that a Toyota option or is it something that gets added by the owner? Also I need to ask why? I can't think of why that would be useful but there must be a reason and I am intrigued.
  24. When I looked at my vehicle details on https://www.toyota.co.jp/recall-search/dc/result?FRAME_DIV=ANH10&FRAME_NO=0112nnn there are two entries: Which don't quite match up with the CarVX report (just under 20 UKP) which listed three entries - though two are looking to be the same issue: Am I safe to assume that all the items have been dealt with before it was imported in 2018? Cheers,
  25. I have changed the two 110v sockets for twin USB sockets, which should come in handy. It was a bit of a pain finding ACC power but got there in the end from the parking assist socket under the passenger seat. I tried to find the inverter for the 110v but it's not under the passenger or drivers seat. I have also added a GPS speedo for MPH and a dashcam.
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