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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by nov

  1. Yes I do have one fitted, the middle console will need to go out as you said.
  2. This is what you need https://autocraftmotorcaravans.co.uk/product/toyota-alphard-passenger-swivel-seat-base/ used by most of the converters including Northstar. If you need help with the fitting, New Dawn Conversions(Midlands) are selling and fitting these as well.
  3. You can get them directly from Toyota account https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/224150672938
  4. Have a look on this recent Facebook post, quick job if you have deep socket to reach the fixing. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1946395738929628/permalink/3190357571200099/ I'm actualy removing mine atm, hopefully will get the socket tomorrow.
  5. It may be your Android device and it's OS type not supported by the Torque app. Try different apps to verify this.
  6. Try "Car scanner ELM OBD2" app developed by 0vZ. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ovz.carscanner Had similar problem with Torque where Car Scanner is connecting without any issues.
  7. You don't need to do anything as to have registered as a camper you will need to have high roof fitted. (note: Pop tops doesn't meet the camper requirements anymore)
  8. To see the ads most likelly you will need to remove your ad blocker
  9. I believe I have found the source of the adverts problem.... it is the Theme version! If you browse the forum on 4.5(default) - no adverts, however when you switch to the new one (most likelly recently published) IPB 4.6 I'm targeted with the ads. You can find Theme switch at the bottom of the forum.
  10. Forum is provided by "Invision Community" (same as for Toyota owners club), they do all sorts of advertising which can be configured in the main admin centre (by admin) as also by the end user (by accepting the terms). It seems there was a recent update to the forum which affected the adds. Even when setting the adverts to OFF they still appear!!! From my understanding something has triggered this, it could be simply a bug in the privacy policy based on the recent application version or potentially browser type and version.... which means it may not affect everyone. If this is not a bug someone is overriding the settings allowing all Google Adverts, potentially breaking privacy policy at the same time.
  11. Browsing this forum on Samsung Android device I'm getting 18 adverts on the home page. It is bonkers to be fair, very strong marketing approach by the forum.... hard to see the forum topics.
  12. Pretty sure they meant "Fuel Tank Level Sensor"
  13. I had this problem while test driving. Apparently it was caused by the loose chip earth wire.
  14. For the spec visit below post
  15. To get the emissions you will need to test it and get the certificate however you can register your MPV as Goods Vehicle under 3000kg an pay the tax based on this values.
  16. Ask your agent to get the windscreen and send it with the van. If this is not possible get in touch with your local Alphard dealer in uk to do the same thing. Can I ask which auction site have you used?
  17. https://airindex.com/ https://www.millbrook.co.uk/services/propulsion-systems-testing/vehicle-emissions-testing/pems-testing-and-real-driving-emissions/ https://www.mahle-powertrain.com/en/news-and-press/press-releases/pems-testing-service-now-available-23104 +more. Search for PEMS testing centre in Google
  18. + Yahoo Japanese auction, plenty of parts in there. Yahoo auction in Japan is like Ebay in UK.
  19. Just open in Chrome browser and change the language to English in Google Translate in the browser. Everything will be displayed in EN
  20. Yes you need to remove the spoiler. Do you have anything to cover the hole in the spoiler?
  21. There is plenty of Alphard parts. Here is the light, double check the part number and search by your OEM part number https://toyotastock.com/lens-and-body-rear-lamp-lh-toyota-8159158090-1005569.html
  22. + Ebay, Amazon... few quid each. BluePrint ADT32112 is a good alternative to Toyota OEM oil filter. Got mine from Amazon.
  23. Have a look at https://toyotastock.com/ .... I haven't used this web personally yet.
  24. Tax is based on the type of the Vehicle, as per below table. You may get some discount if you do proper emission test(or run on dual fuel lpg) and provide this data to dvla.
  25. Hi, I didn't... sorry. Still searching for the rear mirror cover bung.
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