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Unit under passenger seat

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6 minutes ago, Dave Smith said:

Alex if this is the sat nav disc is it not possible to put a European disc in it ?

Depends on your unit. I've got the HN3t-W55 and its only in Japanese and locked.  Most of them is locked but you can replace with other units which run android/windows and run maps from app's instead.

We've left ours in as taking it out caused a fatal error in the ECU and the car wouldn't start. putting it back and started right away. 


So all depends on your model. Ebay have a few disc's.

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Not at all Dave. 


Tips, Get it the under seal done. (matter or urgency)

Then full Service, Cambelt, Water Pump. Check out the brake lines as they degrade over time and have your mechanic flush the lines to get rid of air as it's shipped without any oil, fluid etc in it.

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Alex the points you have just mentioned were the first thing my dealer said to me ,he's had the underseal done the milometer changed to MPH,the radio extender fitted ,the timing belt changed along with the water pump and he has done all the paperwork for the registration and mot can't recommend him highly enough Stuart Pearce of Tipton  great family business top blokes. 

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Very nice. :) 


I would also do the following: headlight restorer on the front lights and the front camera (if you have one) Then seal them. :)


Our front lights were spot less and bright then about 3 weeks later started to go yellow really quickly.

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  • 9 months later...
On 10/25/2018 at 4:32 PM, Dave Smith said:

Alex if this is the sat nav disc is it not possible to put a European disc in it ?

I did try that without success using a disc from my UK Corolla Sat Nav which is also a Fujitsu Ten unit, without success.

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