Hello 100V users.
I have not used 100v outlets yet but !!
The inverter is powered by the vehicle battery.
Be careful not to take too much power without the engine running (to recharge the battery); even then, if only idling you may drain the battery anyhow.
As a Tigerbear says, the AC outlet switch needs to be on for the outlets to operate. (so you can switch off the kids entertainment as soon as it gets too loud, or they fail to behave!).
The outlet(s) is(are) rated at 100W. I have two. I do not know whether they are rated at 100w each, or 100w collectively ! I assume collectively.
Although I have a mains hookup I am hoping to use the 100v to charge my laptop battery when on the move, and use mains when at a campsite.
I may get a 240v invertor to work from my leisure battery at a later date.
Sourcing Japanese plug leads for European socketed equipment can be fun; try RS Components.