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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Rojie

  1. Hello Martyn, Welcome to the Forum.
  2. Hello Michael, Please note, I am not a Hybrid owner. I doubt it is the battery, but if you are a member of the RAC and have the "At Home" service, why not ? Methinks it is more likely 'lack of use' coupled with possible parasitic drain, i.e. something left on. If you have a smart charger I would try that first.
  3. I used to frequently travel long distance through Spain. Although, it was age-dependent, I found Saga to be excellent.
  4. My quickest notion was old brake fluid. When was yours last changed ? It is very difficult to detect slowly diminishing brake performance.
  5. Hello Jack, Welcome to the Forum. There is a section in the forum where members can recommend garages and services. Check it out there may be somewhere near you.
  6. Thanks for this Chris. I will search the vehicle, I doubt I'll find anything as I have had Alphie for quite a while, and been through all the storage cubbies before; although not searching for a hidden key. If there was a hidden fob, surely the system would prevent the vehicle being locked which I can always do. I always use the smart fob for locks and the immobiliser for starting. That said, maybe my van 'thinks' a smart fob is in the vehicle when it is actually in my hand less than a metre away. What can be annoying, is when I step out the vehicle with the intention of opening another door (perhaps for my dog to get out) the car locks as I move much less than a metre away from the driver's door.
  7. Yes. I have one for the windscreen and front side windows. I think the supplier was Fuel Lagoon.
  8. Let us know how you get on, especially on the prices. I have Brembo discs and pads on a vehicle I own; not my Alphie. The costs can be considerable.
  9. Were the tyres fitted before or after the MOT ?
  10. When was your last MOT ?
  11. Clutching at straws here. Try and have someone measure the voltage across the battery terminals before, and during, cranking. When you say boost, do you mean boost or jump the battery leads in parallel ? Try this without the 'boost' (it won't crank, but what is the voltage) and with the 'boost'. IF you try to start the van with the 'old' battery in parallel with the new battery using jump leads make absolutely sure you connect up correctly.
  12. Hello Hugh, Welcome to the Forum.
  13. Please update us all when you are satisfied it all goes together well and works flawlessly.
  14. I just tried my 'buttons'; one the driver's door and the one on the tailgate. Both depress slightly, and beep quietly. The driver's one does seem to activate some locking/unlocking mechanism audibly, but nothing seems to change. Whether there is a programmable function, or not, I don't know. Neither button opens the door or tailgate. Please bear in mind that I have the smart fob very close to the door/tailgate. There is a master door lock switch in the driver's door. Try toggling that to see if there is a difference. Sorry I can't be of further help.
  15. Hello Christian, Welcome to the Forum. Not that I am aware of, and I would almost certainly know. However, some members may be organising their own local meets. If so, members are invited to announce their intensions, please.
  16. I agree with Myron. Should be nothing to worry about unless the engine is caused to rev too high. According to the JPNZ Owners Manual, this is a feature , known as ECT, of the 3 litre V6 1MZ-FE engine and gearbox. It is also a feature of the 2AZ-FE.
  17. Parasitic drain is a possibility. I had a mysterious issue in my early days of ownership. I have an earlier model with mood lighting. Unless you check in the dark, it is very difficult to ensure the mood lights have not been left on their lowest setting. What is the CCA rating of your new battery ? I had also replaced my battery to no avail, there was/is nothing wrong with my old one. I still have it as a spare and keep it fully charged. I may need it sometimes in winter after long periods of no use and low temperatures.
  18. For the smart locking to work, that 3 button key will need to be near the door. As you walk away the doors should lock. As far as I am aware (see below), those small buttons you refer to are receivers; they are not push buttons (but I could be wrong on this as I have never tried to use them). There is a larger button on the lower edge of the tailgate, inside, which should function to close the hatch. I have the same keys as you do, but only use the 4 button as my daily key. Indeed, my daily set do not even have the four keys, or internals, present. I used the smart key for locking and unlocking. You do have the drivers door 'lock' switch enabled ? Of course, the 4 key unit is used in the ignition as it contains the immobiliser key.
  19. Very nice. I did not realise Steve made custom fit carpets for rear kitchens though. Consequently, I have covered my carpets will beige industrial grade rubber. Very effective.
  20. No, I don't. Mine only greets the driver, and warns when the sonic sensors operate (by which time you will be almost TOO close. I have the facelift and the sensing distances can be altered somewhat. Do you have the automatic Toll collecting system fitted ?
  21. Note, this process needs a Master key, or states that it does. It is much easier, but by no means cheap, to get a competent auto-locksmith to it for you. If you do, you may end up with several keys that are all Masters !
  22. Yes, the new key will need the immobilser activating. What key type did you buy, the earlier Gen1 is a different key to the facelift. Are you sure you bought the correct one? Auto-electrician is your best bet.
  23. Did you replace your tyres like for like in size ?
  24. Hello Les, Welcome to the Forum.
  25. Headlight auto levelling light. Have you had your rear bushes changed recently ? Have you changed the wheel tyre combinations recently ? I assume you have HID lighting. Do your headlights adjust upwards when you first start the car in the dark ? You may have a ballast resistor failure.
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