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Everything posted by Rojie

  1. Sorry. I have a much older van and the rear seats have been removed.
  2. Should do, but must be a facelift model, otherwise if not facelift no.
  3. Sorry, I did not realise you had already removed the middle seats.
  4. I just want to reiterate the importance of what Paul has stated above. When buying a new battery it is essential you check the capacity and CCA. ALSO the size of the terminals, the polarity of the terminals, AND the location of the positive and negative terminals before purchase. It is even MORE important you check again before fitting the battery. Ignoring these essential checks can get very expensive. I also bought a new battery when the old one needed a really thorough charge. Am I disappointed ? Actually no, as I now always have a fully charged spare battery. ps. Gen 1 Alphies (probably not hybrids) like calcium batteries.
  5. Hello Ciaran, Welcome to the Forum. There are no meetings (yet) being arranged by the Club that I am aware of. Informal meetings can, of course, be arranged by members. Keep and eye on member locations and consider approaching them privately by Personal Message.
  6. How many grandchildren are you hoping to carry with ISOfix equipment ? Will grandchildren not be occupying the middle seats? Is your van a seven seater ? Are you considering front seats that are reversible ?
  7. I understand your engine will not start, but each time you try and start your (new) battery will lose it's charge very quickly (assuming it was fully charged when it was fitted) as the alternator will not maintain the charge. You need to ensure you keep charging, trickle is best, until you manage to get the engine running again.
  8. Hello Azizillo, Welcome to the Forum.
  9. Hello Ombak, Welcome to the Forum.
  10. Hello Chris, Welcome to the Forum. Please check the recommended garages section.
  11. Hello Stuart, Welcome to the Forum.
  12. My importer 'blacked-out' the k (of kmph), with matt black paint, extremely well done too.
  13. Hello Gary. Welcome to the Forum. YES, you can; but please add it in the For Sale section, AND comply with the Rules of Sale.
  14. Hello Dave, Welcome to the Forum.
  15. Take it somewhere else for your MOT; but ask them beforehand ! Many Alphies do not have the kmh/mph conversion and the MOT records their mileage (in Kms), as the miles. Not to good on resale values. It should not make any difference, but may.
  16. Hello Kiril, Welcome to the Forum.
  17. Hello Andrew, Welcome to the Forum.
  18. Kwik Fit will test your battery, under load (which is very important) for free with a printout. Your alternator will also be tested. As Lee says, your battery needs to be in tip top condition at this time of year.
  19. Hello Jack, Welcome to the Forum. The problem here is that there is more than one supplier of pop-tops. Differing tops may have differing heights. Some owners change the wheel tyre combination from the OEM to something more appealing. Most times, this will affect the vehicle height too, albeit often lowering the overall height. It may not just be your work vehicle park you need to worry about either. I live by the coast. All my local car parks have height barriers (to prevent motorhomes and caravans). My van stands at 1.94m. The barriers are, supposedly, 1.98m. It can be dangerous to assume the height notice is accurate. The entrance may not be level, Some barriers are fixed, but can still be 'altered' by minor mishaps. Others have a movable notice which are frequently hit by optimistic (or could not care less) vehicles, especially those with roof bars, kayaks, windsurfers, etc, etc. Does the height notice remain accurate ? And last, but by no means least, are multistorey car parks. Notorious for actual height projections that are less than the posted height. Having said all that 2.1m is not particularly low. If in doubt, park elsewhere. Good Luck.
  20. Hello Simeon, I have read of other members of this Forum who have had to deal with this problem. You may find the garage will provide an MOT (or not) and you will need to complete the registration yourself. Ask the garage, don't rely on assumptions. A few insurance companies will provide cover before the DVLA has registered the vehicle; but most won't. IF the vehicle is not registered, or driven on public roads, I believe it doesn't need the normal car insurance. BUT. You may want to try and insure against some mishap before all the formalities are completed.
  21. Personally, I would not bother; imho more trouble than it is worth (even if successful).
  22. No, not necessary. It's OK here. I was suggesting you review the Garage Section for a recommended business near your location.
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