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Check your Alphards past history in Japan in detail with CarVX ×


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Everything posted by Rojie

  1. I am not sure about the Gen 1, but very confident that Theatre System was available on the Gen 1 facelift. It was an option though, so not all vehicles have it.
  2. Joseph, at Topsham Car Sales, has been in the importation business for many years.
  3. Hello Russell, I believe you should be able to connect by BlueTooth, depending on which head unit you have. Try eightseaters.blogspot or something very similar. He provides a very useful article on one of the most popular head units, the HDD
  4. Hello Shane, Welcome to the Forum. Your problem is not uncommon. Try searching the forum for head units, etc.
  5. Hello Clair, Was the drivers seat leather ? As the vehicle sits quite high the the kerb, and most Japanese drivers are quite short the squab can incur quite a lot of wear with ingress and egress. Bit if the leather is 'just cracking' it should be able to be refurbished at reasonable cost. If the vehicle was clocked in Japan you will never know; but it is just not consistent with Japanese culture. The Auction Sheet is, imho, the acid test. You must insist on a copy. There are also BIMTA certification and CarVX reports regarding 'mileage'. Most imports have their speedometer and odometer converted to miles from km. The technique does offer the opportunity for clocking, not that I am accusing anyone of such activity.
  6. Hello Russell, You will only get Radio 2. that is normal as the Japanese and British FM bands are different. You may be lucky and get a couple of other noisy stations. You can change the headunit, which can be easy, or not. You can also get frequency changers, or use modern gizmos to achieve your aim. This is a very common query. Search the forum for Head Units.
  7. Check DVLA MOT History, as this does not appear to have been maintained much.
  8. Hello Greg, Welcome to the Forum. Can you please change your profile to correctly reflect the vehicle you have.
  9. Hello Donna, Welcome to the Forum. The front seats do not swivel unless a special base plate has been fitted. They are not a common modification. Are your seats electric ally operated, or manual ? If you have a rotating seat, I assume there should be some lever mechanism under there somewhere ! Is there ?
  10. Hello Chrissie, Welcome to the Forum. Try searching the forum. Door closure problems are not unheard of. Look in the technical section.
  11. Sound, and particularly noise, is a subjective thing; different people will hear the same sound differently. Especially with increasing age. The only reliable method would be a sound meter used in the differing vehicles, at the same speed, across the same terrain, driven in exactly the same way. Or a rolling road scenario. I think your attention should be directed towards other attributes / differences.
  12. Simple multi-meters are available at low cost. (Toolstation / Screwfix). Always worth having one in the domestic tool kit.
  13. Hello Jonathan, Welcome to the Forum. The more gears there are the lower the rpm on motorways, etc. Hence the fours can be relative noisy and thirsty.
  14. Hello Malcolm, Welcome to the Forum.
  15. Hello John, Welcome to the Forum. Chain.
  16. Hello Simon, Welcome to the Forum.
  17. Hello Philippe, Welcome to the Forum.
  18. Quite a while ago I came across a type of 'open sided tent' that was hung over the open tailgate; rather like a tall windbreak. It may have been Vanco, and I think it was for one of the smaller Mercedes. Easy to stow which, I expect, your panel idea would not be, whilst on the move.
  19. Some of the fog lights available do retain the reflective element. As far as I am aware, there is no minimum size for the reflectors so small ones suitable for motorcycles can be fitted very easily and at minimum expense.
  20. Whilst I respect this review, I would like to point out that changing the OEM wheel and tyre combination for larger diameter and lower profile will result in a much harsher ride; especially since the Alphard is much heavier, I believe, than a Subaru. Most vehicles that are 20 years old will have issues unless rectified as and when they occur. From your description, I believe yours had a few left unresolved. I certainly agree that the 4 speed box is not ideal.
  21. Hello Phil, Welcome to the Forum. Front or rear ?
  22. Silly question, and probably totally irrelevant. I assume your van has a sun roof / moon roof ? If so, I am wondering if the drains are blocked. This topic is covered elsewhere in this Forum. Try the search facility on your home page.
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